Ambassador Meeting

Let's kick off the new month together Thursday, February 6th with our monthly Ambassador meeting!
We will have a special announcement from one of our Ambassadors, new & Bestselling Author, Jasmine Singh! Don't miss out on this opportunity to get to know your fellow ambassadors/business owners/ & Chamber members. These meetings help you AND your business by sharing any upcoming events, connect with others and voice any help you may be looking for.
We will also have a BIRTHDAY BABE - BLAIR BUGG in the house so feel free to bring this hard working lady a heartfelt card that you know she would be over the moon for! Cupcakes will be provided & we shall sing her a well deserved HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Ambassadors Back in Action | This quarter is being focused on helping out the local Angleton Animal shelter so donations of dog/puppy, cat/kitten food, newspapers, cleaning supplies, towels, kitten toys are NEEDED! If you have donations please bring them to the meeting.
Silent Auction Items Needed!
Provide a service? Have a lovely piece of home decor you are looking to get rid of? We are taking any donations to go into our silent auction for our 66th Annual Heritage Gala. Promote your business by providing goodies or a service in its name!
If you have alcohol to donate for the Ambassador Fire & Ice LIVE auction item please bring those to the meeting as well :)
We appreciate our Ambassadors B I G time & love to see you expand your business & relations & make a difference in this community of ours.
Love, Autumn
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 6, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
The Chamber
222 N. Velasco
$12.00 Lunch
No Lunch