Brazoria County Alliance for Children

Non-Profit Organization
M - F 8:30 - 5 pm
Driving Directions:
Located north off Hwy. 35 in Angleton on Buchta road.
About Us
501 (c) 3 non-profit that works in to provide healing services to children who have been victims of child abuse. We offer medical attention,mental health services to the victims and their non-offending family members, as well as family advocacy and court accompaniment throughout the investigation and court proceedings. All services are offered free to the clients we serve. Mental health services may include, individual therapy, group sessions, pet therapy, and play therapy. Other services include trainings to schools, first responders and any group needing to learn the signs and symptoms of child abuse and prevention and the laws relating to reporting.
Other services offered include maintaining the Rainbow Rooms in CPS offices in the county. These rooms are stocked with emergency tangible items, such as clothing, diapers, snack foods, hygiene products for children entering foster care. These foster children in the care of DFPS are given birthday and Christmas gifts through the Community Partners Program at Brazoria County Alliance for Children.